Monday, July 27, 2015

More incoming mail!

Seeing new letters at my doorstep always makes me happy and brightens up my day a LOT. Today I'm coming with another blogpost in which I will show you what I've been receiving over the last few days. It's going to be a short post since I'm sick and not feeling too well at the moment but would still like to keep up with writing on this blog weekly.

First of all, a letter from Ada who's from Poland. I'm not a big fan of Lord of the Rings but I do think the stationery is lovely! Ada also sent me tea but it was gone by the time I took the pictures :)

Next comes a letter from Edith who lives in Hungary. It was a long, sweet letter and I really enjoyed reading it!

And another gorgeous letter from Theresa who lives in Germany. I really love the stationery with the Harry Potter houses printed on it <3 I'm a potterhead so whenever my pen pals send me Harry Potter related things, I get really really happy!

Last but not least, a beautiful piece of mail from Mira. Mira is from Finland but she works as an au pair in the United States. I can't get over the fact how beautiful the envelope Mira decorated is! Besides, the sent me loads of goodies which I'm really thankful for! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

That would be it for today's blogpost! It's not the end of the incoming post, though! Part three of incoming mail coming up on the blog soon!




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  2. 9F7738919FSantiagoD1B8C06A7901 January, 2025 10:33

    tiktok takipçi atma
